R J Hunt FFA DipRSCM - Personal Profile
musical education started at the age of 11 at Secondary Modern School
with the
recorder and violin. A year later I changed to the viola and started
lessons. Moving to
I had organ lessons with Dr. Joanna
Fraser at St.
Stephen, Walbrook for about eighteen months until the pressure of
exams took over. A lovely instrument and now rebuilt with a mobile console.
I was a choir
member and assistant organist at
I had
choir of approximately eighteen adults and twenty children. The main
service was
Family Service at
Regular Weddings
during the year required Choir and Organist. We had a small orchestra
of about
10 instrumentalists who played for special occasions. There were
choral evensongs and the choir sang a variety of anthems on different
occasions, although not every week. Diocesan Choir Festivals were
attended. We also had a music group consisting of two guitarists and
singers who regularly helped lead worship. I was Chairman of the Music
Committee, which was made up of representatives from the choir, music
P.C.C. and clergy. This group met monthly to arrange the music for the
and to consider other matters relating to worship generally.
In 2001 we
moved to St.
Michael's Church, Wilmington near Dartford where I was a team
organist with
a Norman & Beard 1912
three manual pneumatic instrument. There is a small choir and music
group. The work load is considerably less
before. From 1st February 2005, I have taken on the job of Choirmaster
as well as sharing the organ playing with others.
I have attended
many training courses over the years at the Diocese, the RSCM, RCO and
elsewhere. The courses have included choir training, singing,
organists courses and three summer schools. I have regularly attended
1992 I started organ lessons with Anne
Marsden Thomas at St. Giles,
In 2003 I changed teachers from Anne
to Catherine Ennis at St. Lawrence
Jewry next Guildhall in the City of London where there is a fine new three manual Klais Organ.
I recently completed the RSCM Foundation Certificate in Church Music. In October 2007 I completed the CertRSCM and continued working with the University of Bangor towards the Diploma & Higher Education Certificate in Sacred Music Studies which I completed and passed in March 2009.
have recently had lessons with Jonathan Bunney, Organist at St. Giles
in the Fields, who helped me with my Sacred Music Studies final
2006 I started to learn the
clarinet with Marc Naylor. I play in a small wind group and also
Dartford Concert Band. In 2008 I also took up the Bassoon and have
lessons with Andrew Denyer. See my Bassoon page.
Anthems are sung regularly and there are occasional choir
concerts and special services led by the choir. In the last few years
the choir have sung Maunder's 'Olivet to Calvary', 'Jerusalem Joy' by
Roger Jones and the 'Crucifixion' by John Stainer.
St. Michael's has a junior that meets in church on Friday
evenings from 7:00pm until 7:45pm. Young people aged between 7 and 19
years are very welcome to come along. The junior choir was formed in
2008 but has already sung in church on several occasions.