St. Michael and all Angels, Wilmington, Kent
The Choir
The choir at St. Michael's has been leading worship in church
for over 50 years. The current choir has 18 members represented by all
four voices - Soprano, Contralto, Tenor and Bass. New members are
We are often augmented for special occasions with singers from the congregation and from other churches.
Anthems are sung regularly and there are
occasional choir concerts and special services led by the choir. In the
last few years the choir have sung Maunder's 'Olivet to Calvary',
'Jerusalem Joy' by Roger Jones and the 'Crucifixion' by John Stainer.
The choir rehearse in Church on Friday evenings from 7:30pm until 9:00pm
The church uses 'Songs of Fellowship' Books 1-4 and the 'Anglican Hymn
Book'. We use the 'Parish Psalter' for 1662 services and the 'ASB
Psalter' for other services. We have recently acquired the 'New Oxford
Easy Anthem Book' and also the 'Oxford Book of Flexible Anthems' for
all choir members. Members of the choir often attend music course such
as those run by the Royal School of Church Music to which the choir is affiliated.
Junior Choir
A Junior Choir has just started at St.
Michael's and meets on Friday evenings in Church from 7:00pm until 7:45pm. Young people aged 7+ are very welcome to come along.
Worship Band
The Worship Band leads worship on the
third Sunday morning of each month as well as special services such as
Christmas and Easter. The Rev. Trevor Wyatt leads the band on keyboards
along with other muscians including, Violins, Flutes, Clarinets,
Saxophone, Guitars, Trombone and Percussion.
The Organist and Choirmaster is Alan R J Hunt
FFA CertRSCM. Alan took over from Michael Iveson (Choirmaster Emeritus)
in 2006. The previous organist was John Stedman (Died Easter 2007) who
was at St. Michael's for many years. A lovely and gentle man well liked
and respected. Alan is helped at rehearsals by rehearsal pianist Jean
Mitchell who also plays organ for some services as does Michael Iveson.
Sharon Richardson and Pam Hunt help with Junior Choir.
The organ is by Norman & Beard
(1912) and is three manuals and pedals with pneumatic action. It is
tuned and maintained by Colin Jilks. The specification of the organ can
be found here:- NPOR.
Chancel & Choir Stalls
Open Diapason Organ Pipes